"The Venture Bros." thumbnails...
I'm lucky enough to be working on Cartoon Network's "The Venture Bros.",
a very successful part of the "Adult Swim" block of programming. Turns out
my old chum George Fort, artist extraordinaire, is also working on the show...
a small, small, tiny world we live on.
Here are a few thumbnails..it's a huge job, so there will be a lot of stuff posted.
Wow Barry,
I'm Glad We were able to chat a bit on Saturday, since We missed You and the Kids on Sunday... I hope they had a Good time... Maybe We can hang sometime...
These look Awesome... I mean C'Mon, You have Doug Henning in there pullin' an Apache Chief... I nearly Peed in My Jammies... Mister Magic Mustache, Classic...
So does this mean that you aren't doing storyboards for the Legion this season?
Michael, sadly, yeah..I'm hoping to get James Tucker to throw me a bone for the 3rd season, though. We'll see!
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